Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Beginning

I've been told beginning a blog is easy, but keeping it going and really making it something alive takes a lot of commitment.  I guess I'll just start and see what happens.  One thing I've been thinking about lately comes from an entry in one of those inspiring daily reading books.  February 17th's entry talked about focusing on the little things in life, and finding the meaning in the pleasant hidden little things.  I've found that life isn't much use if you're not enjoying it, and you can't wait for it to change to enjoy it, just go ahead and enjoy it now.  Some might accuse me of being an eternal optimist, I just like to say I enjoy the simple things in life.  Things that don't cost money, and aren't hard to find if you're looking.  You probably know what I mean.  One little thing I like to do is browse at and look around at what quirky people do every day to amuse themselves, and the amusing things that happen to them along the way.  It's pretty fun and I usually laugh out loud to myself.  I really think the old saying that "Laughter is the best medicine" really has some significance.  If you've got a few minutes head on over and tell me what you think.  Simple but Profound is a little phrase that I hope describes my life and what I have to offer to people.  We all have something to offer, and the ability to create.  The trick is learning to think that way, then to live that way.  To anyone out there who agrees, best of luck and let me know how it goes